Here’s What To Expect

Mental Health Keynote

Dr. Ryan Fraser, professor at Freed-Hardeman University, preacher at Bethel Springs Church of Christ, and licensed therapist, will be joining us in providing wonderful insight in the importance of keeping my mind healthy.

Sexual Integrity in a Fallen World

How did our culture and world get here? These sessions are open to anyone wanting to learn about the LGBTQ+, how do Christian’s respond, and how do we understand this culture that lives these lifystyles.

Active Digital Parenting

ADP is a workshop designed to give parents a jump start to being proactive with their digital parenting. It can be scary to try to tackle all this, but ADP covers a wide variety of topics from the most basic internet safety to specific apps and services. This workshop will focus on empowering and encouraging parents to take charge of their families’ exposure to social media, gaming, and the internet in general.

Cherish Your Marriage Till it End

Ignorance and inexperience with grief, especially that which accompanies the loss of a mate, makes it difficult (if not impossible) to minister effectively to those trying to live after loss. These sessions raise awareness about the impact of loss. Hopefully, with informed insight, people will be better prepared for the experience and become more capable servants of those left behind.

Embracing Singleness & Glorifying God

Being single is nothing to be ashamed of; when the time is right for you, God will provide. But the waiting can be frustrating, like what can I do, where do I fit in? This session is to help you find your track and pace in your current season of life and to help you understand that you can still Glorify God.

Teen Class

We are going to offer 3 teenage classes that will challenge and grow our teenagers! They will have 1 class together and 2 split guys and girls!

Here are some

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can attend ETFC?

    ETFC is open for everyone, we try to have something for everyone when creating the sessions, although it is difficult to maybe fit in an exact class, look at the schedule and see which sticks out to you! If none of them do, our Sexual Integrity session is cultural class that is meant for everyone to listen to and gain wisdom about our current culture!

  • Is there a cost to attend?

    We charge $10/person to attend, although we offer a scholarship, When you register at the end, you can put in promo code “SCHOLARSHIP” to get the registration costs off for adults; we ask that you pay the children's fees to offset the cost of babysitting.

  • What if my child has allergies?

    In the registration, please indicate what kind of allergies your child(ren) may have so we can best minister to their needs!

  • How can I help out?

    We'd love to have you help with ETFC! You can help with babysitting, recording sessions, and the registration table!

  • Will there be food provided?

    We will offer a lunch on Saturday, February 8, for all who registered and joined us for that day. We will also have a meal after Sunday Morning Worship, as one of Fellowship Enrichment Days (FED), which will be a different cost!